My Furry Teacher

My Furry Teacher is a short visual novel about how you and your new trainee get along. You've become the most exemplary math teacher in your community, beloved by pupils and respected by other instructors. Yet, it's still the same classroom, same materials, and same pay that you've been used to for years. It's hard to imagine what you could accomplish. Is it possible that you've reached the end of your horizon? Is it OK to live like a way for the rest of your life? ... Fortunately, you won't have to stress about it for much longer at this point! Get to know Trish, the trainee who flipped your world upside down in only a single day! Due to a snowstorm that kept just you two in the school, you had a lot of time to get to know her.



Cannibal Roulette

Cannibal Roulette


Some of you are probably familiar with the game of Russian Roulette - but for those of you who might not be aware of what it is, here's the summary in a nutshell. You take a revolver, most commonly a six shooter, and one bullet. A lethal game of luck, you load the bullet into one of the six holes, give that cylinder a good hard spin, and then hold the gun up against your head and pulling the trigger - giving you an exactly 1 in 6 chance of blowing your brains out in the process. This game is built around the idea of that, but of course it applies some tweaks and changes to that formula. The game will have you finding yourself in the middle of the jungle, having just made contact with a previously uncontacted by the rest of the world tribe... little is known about them, though there have been some reports here and there that this paritcular tribe still practicies cannibalism. Seemingly, they're showing you quite a fair amount of hospitality - bringing out a group of six beautiful tribal honeys who are dressed in ultra revealing clothes. The chief of the tribe informs you that you're free to take your pick of the ladies, and you'll be able to do anything to them that you want to do. You'll definitely still want to be exercising caution here - for you see, one of these gorgeous babes is actually a cannibal... so instead of them just letting you enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, they'll take it a step further and derive deep pleasure from feasting on your flesh, right off the bone! When you're prompted to make your pick between the girls, they will be all lined up together in a row, with all of them looking totally identical to each other. Due to this, there's no defining marks or anything like that to identify one of them as a cannibal - so at this point, just like Russian Roulette, it's all up to chance - there's a 5 in 6 chance of you having a great time, but of course on the other hand there's a 1 in 6 chance that you'll be bleeding out, praying for death as the tribe feasts on your flesh! Using your mouse cursor, pick one of the girls by hovering your cursor over them and then click on them. If you're lucky, and the girl you clicked on is not the cannibal, the girl will drop down on her knees to wrap her soft and skilled lips tightly around your pick, sucking you off until she makes sure to milk a nice thick load of hot and sticky cum directly down her willing throat. After she's sucked you off and swallowed you whole, that girl will be taken out of the lineup, and you'll be prompted to pick again. Continue to keep picking girls, and ideally, continue to keep getting your dick sucked and jizz swallowed. However though, at some point down the line, you're inevitably going to pick the cannibal - at which point things will start out seemingly as normal, with her looking eager as she brings her head down to the same level of your cock and opens her mouth wide in anticipation - but instead of her giving it a nice and pleasurable sucking, she'll promptly chomp down, biting hard and tearing it off, leaving you to bleed out from your cock!