After raising over $2 million in a sultry Kickstarter campaign, hopes for the science fiction porn game thriller, Subverse, were certainly not kept at bay. But I’m not sure anyone could have predicted what was to come (or cum, hey, we’re writing about a porn game, so I’m gonna go the full distance).
So what the heck is going on here?
Subverse Breaks Into Steam’s Top Sellers
The headline alone should shake a conservative America’s core. A gaming industry which consistently tows the line between technological labrynths and smut just smeared the middle even more.
Subverse is an adult sex game. Or porn game, to be a bit more direct. And it’s selling like hotcakes on Steam’s gaming platform, a platform commonly considered a mainstream game selling portal.
But all’s not what it seems.

Subverse breaching Steam’s best seller list is a long time coming event. Not because Subverse, specifically, is a great porn game. But because Steam does, in a covert manner, allow porn games on the system. In order to view them, you must allow them in your account. This includes when they make the best seller list. But just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. This is kind of the tree falling or bear shitting in the woods deal, only this time we are talking about tits, ass, and hardcore porn game sex.
In the case of Subverse, it ran high enough up the pole from it’s humble, hush-hush Steam section beginnings to go on full blast.
One of the big reasons for Subverse’s success is that it hit an astounding 25,318 simultaneous players. Now, let’s take a moment to understand why this happened. Its not because Subverse is some amazing porn game. Its not bad, but it’s not THIS great. One reason is that the Kickstarter campaign bred a lot of motivated gamers. These gamers wanted the game to rule the Internet, so they played it en masse. So in a sense, Subverse had a bit kick in it’s ass which helped propell the game to the top ranks of all games.

Another factor contributing to the mainstream success of Subverse is it’s hentai porno roots. The hentai porn crowd is an uncontained, overly devoted, porn thirsty group unwillingly to settle. And even though Subverse is hardly the best hentai porn around, it’s still a rocket used to infiltrate a mainstream industry that’s often in denial regarding it’s porn game affinity.
Does this change everything?
In short, yes, it does. It greases the grooves that were already slippery in the first place. Any true gamer has long understood that sex and games have a rather cuddly relationship. Its beyond first base at this juncture. However, the Subverse missle launch into the mainstream stratosphere staves off those who’ve always tried to keep some semblance of seperation. The line in the sand is now trampled. And it’s unlikely there’s any way to put the rabbit back in its hat.
And hey, we couldn’t ask for more around these parts? The good news is, you can play free adult sex games here. No paying. Freeload away. It’s all good.